
samedi 3 avril 2021

Wolf Rider


Hello nasty followers of Gorkamorka!

Today I dig out a model I painted over a year and a half ago, since I realized I never shared it anywhere.

Bear with me, it was a one shot, so I did not write down the colour recipes, and probably forgot most of it. Sorry about that!

Working on those Wolf Riders (with Alex Hedstrom) was a lot of fun, and I was really happy with what we came up with. So I wanted to paint one of them, and chose the pose I was the happiest about.

I really wanted to give him an eastern feel, with a colour palette inspired by Miyazaki's films, particularly one of my favourites: Mononoke.

I remember that he was mostly painted with Contrast paints. We had just been given some samples in the studio, and a lot of us where having fun trying to tame that new beast of a paint range.
I obviously sprayed the model with Corax white, before applying Apothecary white on the wolf.
I then diluted some Black Templar with the Contrast medium and progressively darkened some of the fur. I finally dry brushed some Celestra grey on the fur to pick up the edges.

For the red I think I used Flesh Tearer Red. I love the tone of this very rich red, which works very well on any of the light undercoats.

I really don't recall the colours I used for the skin. I remember wanting to give it a warm feel, but honestly my mind was elsewhere at that time, and I was just playing with the colours I had to hand.

The yellow was definitely Iyanden Yellow, then some Fuegan Orange for the shading.
All the little straps simply received a coat of Skeleton Horde. Ok, it is true, those Contrast Paints are kind of magic...

I hope you like that model, painted without any purpose in mind, just for fun and to relax :)

As always, any comment or feedback is much appreciated! Thanks for dropping by!

7 commentaires:

  1. Bien vu le thème "Mononoke", ça marche super bien !

    J'avais trouvé ce kit super, j'ai failli l'acheter, mais je ne mesure plus mes stocks en "pile de la honte", mais en placardS de la honte. J'essaie donc de me montrer raisonnable ( dixit le mec qui vient de préco Cursed City ^^ ). Bref, super boulot sur ces modèles pour un fan de loup comme moi. D'ailleurs, je rêve d'un kit SW avec des primaris chevauchant des montures dans ce style #sifflote.
    Je suis bluffé par le résultat de l'usage des "contrast". Je vais pieusement noter ta recette du loup, il faut absolument que j'essaie ça :-)

    Le socle est très sympa aussi, tu te rappelles comment tu as fait le petit arbuste à l'avant ?


    1. Merci BK! 🙂

      Le petit arbuste c'est simplement du fil de fer recouvert de super glue, peint et ensuite j'ai collé de la mousse pour simuler des toutes petites feuilles genre bonsaï.


  2. Pas mieux. Super efficace, les couleurs claquent. Bravo !

    1. Merci Jaeckel!
      En effet quand tu t'inspires d'une palette de couleurs qui vient d'un univers très fort visuellement, il n'y a pas de raison que ça ne marche pas sur une fig 🙂


  3. Ooooooooooooooooooh, tu as travaillé sur cette bande. Merci pour tous les amoureux des gobelins ! :D

    1. Ravi qu'ils te plaisent !
      Oui avec Alex Hedström, qui a fait un super boulot au niveau des détails/textures et de l'ingénierie 👍


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