
samedi 19 mai 2018

The Warpsmith's Diary #6

Hey all!

I do this one in English to vary a bit ;)

So today is an update on my Renegade Knight. I have done quite a lot of progress, but with this big rusty mass at the top it doesn't feel like it! Anyway, here he is:

So I painted most of the small armour plates. I kept the right shoulder pad quite simple as there was already a sculpted icon in the banding. I thought it would get a bit fussy to have multiple layers of graphic stuff:

The left grieve bears a Deathbringers symbol: any deamon engine is either designed or maintained by these masters of mechanisms.
The other side has lots of skulls. Classic, but death is definitely part of the Nurgle imagery.

For the right grieve, I deployed my Nurgle script again, to echo the left shoulder pad. On the other side, I designed a Nurgle scale symbol, which will be part of the narrative I will detail in the final article. But feel free to guess if you like!
As you can see, a quick sketch on a post-it note helped me refine my idea. "The importance of planning"...

I painted the right knee in copper. I thought a sculpted plate like this would look better in a raw material, and it gave me the opportunity to get a good contrast with the oxydation.

I struggled to find a good idea for the shield, and finally came to this idea of painting this lovely illustration Wayne England did for me a few years ago.
This is not a kind of freehand I normally do, but I thought it would be a nice tribute:

Fortunately, as soon as I started Cagn suggested that I take photos of every step. Bless him!
The instant magic of Whatsapp!

1. Over a subtle cream-colour blending, I traced the drawing using watered down brown ink.

2. I blocked the colours with pretty transparent paints, using Screaming Skull, Khorne Red and Charadon Granit.

3. I started shading the cream with a mix of Brown Ink and Lahmian medium.

4. I've refined the drawing with pure Brown Ink. Also I did the shading on the pipes with a mix of Charadon Granit and Black.

5. I did a first pass of highlights on the eyes with Evil Sunz Scarlet, and added an extra shading to the pipes with pure black.

6. I started the detailling, painting fine lines on the pipes.

7. I detailled the eyes with a mix of Evil Sunz Scarlet and Ceramite White. I also did a first highlight on the helment with a mix of Screaming Skull and Ceramite White.

8. I introduced a bit of nuance with Lamenters yellow. I also traced the letters around the hood, and did a first highlight on the pipes with Dawnstone.

9. I did the final highlight on the pipes with Celestra grey, and on the helmet using pure Ceramite White.

10. I put more detailling, such as the very fine pipes or the damage on the armour, using Charadon Granit and a Fine Detail brush.

11. I did a bit more nuancing using Biel Tan green in the bottom left and top right corner. I also added the letters on the gorget (forgot them initially!)
I thought it was a good time to paint a basecoat on the trim, to frame the work and see if it needed more contrast.

12. After a few touch ups and painting the banding around, my shield was ready ;)

And then just before this article, I painted the head for the main focus to be on the eyes, in order to give him a slightly insectoid look.
I am pleased I spent the time sculpting the "fleshy pipe" hanging under the head. It adds a lot of character in my opinion, and makes this bunch of pipes look more interesting.

That's it for now!
My goal is to show the beast ready for battle in the next 7th article. Sounds like a good number! But I will be pretty busy at work in the next few weeks... I hope I can find time to paint a bit!

Over to you!

16 commentaires:

  1. Really, really good. Specially your free hand on this step and nice tribute to Wayne England.
    I like the skull knee!

  2. Belle avancée.
    Les épaulières à la fois sobres et classes sont très réussies. Les nuances apportées sur les chaînes "pendantes" les mettent bien en valeur aussi.
    J'aime beaucoup l'application du motif Deathbringer sur la jambière. Je trouve le rendu excellent.
    Merci au père Cagn d'avoir suggéré le pas à pas sur le bouclier. C'est très interessant de voir comment tu es arrivé à ce super résultat.
    Bref, enchanté par ces avancés, je te souhaite bon courage pour la suite.

    1. Cool! Merci BK!
      Oui il reste pas mal de boulot, alors merci pour ton soutien !


  3. comme d'hab c'est ouf :O le dessin à main levé est sublime :D

    1. Merci Wiffy, je suis ravi que ca te plaise!


  4. Superbe taf :)
    J'ai hâte de le voir terminé.
    Et je plussoi mes camarades pour le pas à pas c'est toujours agréable à regarder ^^
    Je prend d'ailleurs beaucoup de plaisir actuellement à peindre une petite armée de nurgle très inspiré de ton schéma, les nuances de orange dans le blanc c'est superbe ^^
    J'espère que tu présenteras ton chevalier à un warhammer fest, ça serait super :D

    1. Merci Evil's God!
      Oui je l'amènerai sûrement à un prochain évènement, l'Open Day Europe à Düsseldorf ou Warhammer Fest l'année prochaine 😉


  5. Magnificent. A fitting tribute to the legendary Wayne England too.

  6. Hi Morbäck,

    thanks for the (very welcome) English version of your text :) Now I may not only drool over the awesome pictures but also understand how they are made. I love the richness of the red panels combined with the black and off-white iconography. Something I have to copy on my DeathGuard minis.

    Thanks and Greetings from Offenburg

    1. Thanks Minamoto!
      Yes, it is something I would like to do more. But on the other hand, writing articles in French helps me maintaining this language.
      As my every day life is mostly in English, I tend to lose my French a bit. So the blog is a good exercise 😉



  7. Incredible work Maxime, this big guy is just going from strength to strength! The miniature Wayne England reproduction is a wonderful idea, and a sentiment very much after my own heart! In fact, the field of skulls on the leg armour really reminded me of Wayne England's work as well, particularly of the collages of skulls and chaotic symbols he created for the old WFB Realm of Chaos army book from the late 90s! The Nurglite scale symbol is a wonderful piece of graphic design as well!

    Any plans for a coterie of renegade Knight Armigers to accompany the big guy? I am currently working on chaos Armigers of my own, and I have a feeling they might look great when combined with a Bliht Drone carapace -- just sayin'...

    Anyway, fantastic work all around! :)

    1. Thanks Stefan, I am glad you like it.
      Yes, I would like to flank him with 2 armigers... In full Deathbringer colour scheme. But so many projects! 😅



  8. Incredible work on both the painting and conversion side. The way you painted the white armour and the fleshy pipe is amazing. Would you mind sharing the colour scheme of the metal banding around the freehand shield? Looks a bit like rhinox hide initally but I'm not quite sure.

    Merci d'avance

    1. Hi Scion!
      It is painted with Charadon Granit, shaded with Nuln Oil. Then I pick up the edges with leadbelcher, and add a bit of rust with watered down Jokaero orange.

      I hope this helps!



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