
samedi 27 mars 2021

Da Gretchin Fleet !

Hi everyone!

After a few months of hobby-nihilus (very busy with work amongst other things...), I finally got some time to finish a plane that was sitting on my desk.
Here is my Grot fighta-Bommer!

To convert that one, I basically shortened it in length and width, to turn it into a chunky little thing (chunkiness which would be emphasized with the addition of the bombs)

I have also modelled a dome on the windscreen because I was not so keen on the shape of that one, especially in side view.

And I finally painted it the same way as the others!
I'll direct you to the previous articles about that fleet for more info on the colours:
(ok, it's in French, but your Ad-Mech translater will do its job, right?)

The only colour that doesn't appear on the previous planes is the yellow of the bombs. I painted them in Averland Sunset, before a drybrush of Corax White. Then I glazed them with Lamenters Yellow in which I added a small drop of Bloodletter (so it gets slightly orangy in the recesses).

And with this cheacky bommer, my fleet is complete!

Thanks for reading, boys and girls! As always, any comment or feedback welcome.
I like to think that I am back in hobby-business, but I guess only Eldrad Ulthran can tell (if he foresees the right future, though)!

Happy painting all !

9 commentaires:

  1. Hey, content de te voir back "in business" !
    Très sympa ta conversion, un beau petit morceau de mort volante. La peinture, top, mais comme d'hab'.
    D'ailleurs, concernant les détails, les damiers ont pas été trop galère à reproduire à cette échelle ?

    L'effet de groupe est saisissant. J'aime beaucoup la manière dont laquelle chaque engin est penché suivant un angle différent. Ça donne un effet "Satanas et Diabolo" ( #leieuv" ) qui sied bien à la faction.

    En tout cas, ravi de voir un article de Kouzes différents ces dernières semaines :-)

    1. Salut BK!
      Merci pour ton commentaire :)
      Alors non en fait les damier sont a peu pres de la taille de ceux que je fais sur mon armee. Ils seraient donc gigantesques a l'echelle 30mm, mais sur de petits zingues comme ca, ca passe!

      Ahah, c'est exactement comme ca que je les imagine voler!



  2. Great squadron of flying death. I appreciate the checkerboard on the wings of planes. i think that it was difficult to paint. Bases are also cool with the multiples craters of bomb. See you soon.

    1. Thanks a lot Manu !
      As said, they are not that small actually, so i did not find them more difficult than on larger scale models.



  3. Très cool cet escadron, merci du partage ! Sur les socles j'aurais trouvé sympa de voir différentes tailles de cratères, c'était l'occaz de sculpter quelque chose de différent, en plus. Enfin c'est histoire de dire. Encore merci, cheers !

    1. Salut Aeshka!

      Tu as raison, j'aurais du plus varier.
      Il y a deux tailles de crateres, mais elles sont surement trop rapprochees pour qu'on voit la difference. Un ou deux mega-crateres auraient ete de bon ton. Ca peut toujours se faire sur d'autres!



  4. That's a really nice plane ! The orange really pop out of the grey theme base, that must be wonderful once onto the table:)

    1. Thanks Brauwan!
      I'm also looking forward to seeing what they look like on the board. I didn't have a chance to play that game yet 🤣


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