
samedi 12 juin 2021

Da Green Giant !


Hello everyone! No this article is not an add for your favourite sweetcorn brand, just a little sculpting project I've had fun with in the past few weeks.

Some of you might know that I am a miniatures designer working exclusively on the computer. But I wanted to do a bit of physical sculpting for a change, not having been playing with putty this way for nearly 9 years!

So I decided to redesign a model I made for work as part of the Death Guard range, but to give myself a bit of a challenge, I decided to make him about half the size. The scale is not a technical issue working digitally (still some important design considerations apply...) but by hand it is another story!

I decided to go for a bit of a Chibi style, which suits reduced-scale models nicely, but also would look quite cool on that specific Plague Marine since I approached it in a very graphic way. But enough words, let's have a look at some pics!

As you can see, the model is drastically smaller than its 40k scale inspiration, but I tried to retain as many design features as possible.

Saying that, I did not want to be welded to the original, this is why I took some liberty with the pose, and changed/rationalised some of the details to fit the scale.
I could have made a carbon copy, but it would have been more labourious. After all, this is just a fun hobby project ;)

I decided to make everything with green stuff, for pure nostalgia: I remember being super excited as a teenager seeing pictures of "greens" in White Dwarf. I think there is something quite magical about green stuff sculptures. The pose plays that nostalgia card as well, referencing models from the 90's.

Oddly enough it is miles better than the last models I sculpted by hand, which shows that even if I have been working digitally ever since, the same part of the brain and design/shaping muscles are used.

These are my tools of choice. I actually use the metal one 99% of the time, the rubber brush is only when I need a softer/more gentle touch.

And here are all the step by step photos I took with my phone. They are not as good as the final shots, but it is always good fun to see the process (not that I have been particularly methodical, but it shows the stages I have been through):

Thanks for reading! I hope you like this little dude, he was really fun to sculpt!
I might sculpt something else in a similar style again. Maybe another resculpt of my own model... just have to find what!

Oh, and finally: I am sure it goes without saying, but this model is not for sale ;)


12 commentaires:

  1. Oh mon dieu : 40k V10 en 15mm officialisé ! :D

    Plus sérieusement, super projet. La mise à dispo de la galerie pas à pas est une super attention !

    1. Merci le Captain!
      C'est vrai que ce serait marrant à cette échelle !


  2. Excellent article, sur le coup, sans te lire et en ne regardant que les photos, j'ai crû à un nurgling qui imitait un deathguard. Il va s'en dire que le projet est plutôt fun, et que le résultat final est top. tu peux en faire un familier pour psycker.

    1. Merci Manu!
      Oui en effet il ferait un bon familier, je n'y avais pas pensé !


  3. Bravo. Avec le petit pas-à-pas qui va bien pour faire croire que c'est facile, j'adore :o)

    1. Merci Jaeckel!
      Tu trouves que ça fait croire que c'est facile?! 😆
      C'était pas particulièrement difficile, mais bon en même temps c'est un peu mon métier donc je triche!


  4. Super article. Oui, toujours très excitant de voir des greens. C'est un peu la facette préférée du hobby. Ce vert, c'etait le vert de la creation pure dans les années 90. Voir un green donne toujours ce petit frisson.
    Je rejoins Jaeckel, ça donne l'impression que c'est facile, mais j'invite tout un chacun à tenter le coup quand même, c'est encore plus de satisfaction que la peinture pour la part.

    J'espère voir encore beaucoup de choses de ce genre ici 🙏

    1. Merci Baramyne! Ravi qu'il te plaise, et oui cette petite touche nostalgique ça fait plaisir !


  5. Un bel article en effet,
    J'aime bien les figs Chibi Style, et donc là mes yeux sont gatés !
    Le pas à pas rend super bien en effet. Au vu de l'échelle, je trouve le résultat d"autant plus impressionnant.
    J'ai une petite question technique: est-ce que tu observes des pauses entre certaines phases pour laisser la base créé sécher ?


    1. Merci BK, content qu'il te plaise!

      Oui c'est le propre du travail en green stuff. Tu bosses 30-60 mins sur une petite zone, et après il faut attendre 4-6h donc du bosses sur une autre zone si c'est possible. Sinon tu laisse reposer et tu fais autre chose!


  6. Absolutely incredible, really interesting article to read!


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