
samedi 29 mai 2021

Warcry Fest !

Hello Warcry lovers!

Today a bit of skirmish action in the Mortal Realms, my daughter and I have decided to play a bit and paint some models together again.

So I put a Skaven Warband together, with models from my army but also a couple of new comers...

And Heloise composed a Gloomspite Gitz warband, mostly Squigs but also a few Grotz she painted a long time ago (before the lessons with daddy!)

So back on my ratty-dudes, I have converted and painted 2 models specifically for Warcry. Now, this is not real-real news, I made them about a year and a half ago. They only needed to be based up. But it doesn't change anything for you since you have not seen them before!

So one of them is a Plague Monk of course, the other one is kind of a failed experiment from the Clan Moulder, that I simply use as a giant rat.

The painting of the skin bits is the same, it is more for the Plague Monk I had to innovate a bit. I wanted to have a similar cold palette, but had to pick colours which would link him to Pestilens a bit more.
This is why I swapped the Sotek Green for some Kabalite Green (for the robes), and I have decided to add Camo Green to the Celestra Grey to highlight the black.

But these guys required more conversion than painting effort, so here are some pics of them before they put their winter coats on:

So for this creepy dude I used the legs of a Crypt Ghoul, and the torso-head-arm is from the Hell-Pit Abomination.
I only had to tie the 2 parts together visually, by mixing he textures. I added a bone piercing the flesh on his back to mimic the ones on the legs, and some fur growing all the way up his chest. I then sculpted a scar going all over his side, another way to link the multiple components.

The Monk is from the amazing trio that is on the Plague Furnace. Most of the work consisted in seperating him from his mates, and re-sculpting the bits that were missing.

Time for some games, yeah baby!

So we used a lighter version of the rules (Heloise is only 6), focusing on the essentials (no special actions, bonus etc...), and it proved to be very fun and accessible!

We had 2 games, the first was just a butchery, and the second one an objective control game, with 2 markers on the central line.

And she learn the hard way: sometimes you win, sometimes you lose... That's the law of the Bloodwing Spoil!

But since she had been a good girl I got her a box of Squig Hopperz, so she is already perfecting a new army list to kick my bum...

That's it for today, see you later for more Squig action!

14 commentaires:

  1. Ah c'est génial de pouvoir partager sa passion avec son enfant !
    Pour ce qui est de la partie modélisme, je trouve super intéressant la façon de sculpter la cicatrice. Si je me trompe pas, on perce des trous puis on vient poser des boudins très fins pour les relier ? Ca l'air de demander de prendre son temps mais c'est très accessible et le rendu est top !
    Merci pour cet article !

    1. Oui c'est top, des super moments :)

      C'est exactement ça pour la cicatrice, tu as tout compris. En effet c'est pas rapide, mais c'est pas compliqué et ça a le mérite d'avoir un rendu efficace.

      Merci pour tes encouragements en tout cas!


  2. Sympa le petit article, pas besoin de moults figurines pour bien s'amuser.

    1. Merci Manu!
      Et oui Warcry est top pour ça 😊


  3. This is so great Maxime!!! The dream come true, be able to play with your daughter and she's only 6! That is the life.

    1. Thanks mate! Yes, it is a lot of fun.

      I hope you are doing well! Still into Warhammer Underworlds ?


  4. Le partage en famille, c'est top !

    Les gobs, c'est un super choix ! :D

    Il me semble bien grand ce Lord Discordant en vitrine.... un master imprimé plus grand ? Si oui, quel est l'intérêt d'imprimer plus grand dans le processus de fabrication ?

    1. Merci!

      Oui le Discordant c'est une impression échelle 3:1.
      Il n'y a aucun intérêt à imprimer à cette échelle pour la production, ce modèle a été imprimé en grand pour Warhammer Fest, je faisais un séminaire sur cette figurine.
      La grande échelle permet à plusieurs personnes de le regarder en même temps, et à le voir de loin. Tout simplement 😉


  5. Elle peint le squig en orange! C'est de famille :)

    1. Et c'est elle qui a choisi ! Promis je ne l'ai pas influencée !


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